You’re a great therapist, life coach, tarot reader, nutritionist - or whatever modality to use to help people. You know your shizzle, your clients love you…

One time, you get great results, and another day, same technique, same products, but not-so-hot outcomes 🤔..

We’ve all been there….

Of course, this can be for a number of reasons. With me, for example, some people don’t like herbal tea. So they don’t drink it and then try to hide the fact. Go figure..🤷

But what if you could get more niched, personalised, better understanding of what truly lies beneath your clients issues. Like some ninja trick where they think you’re inside their head or something….Like some mystical, telepathic wizard 🧙….

Gadzooks! Your bad knees are caused by too much air and your Mars in Aquarius!

Well, perhaps you are a wizard, but this is almost as good.

Consider that everyone on the planet has a unique energetic make-up based on their birth time that you can learn to tap into and divine the problem behind their problem. Like layers of the proverbial 🧅…It’s what makes some people run ‘hot’’, prone to inflammation and allergies…Others ‘cold’’ and holding stagnant energy and some are all air and over-thinkers (often giving rise to anxiety)… Well, that’s a bit simplistic, but you get my gist…..

If only there was a quick method of determining this in one person over another - so that we could better understand what’s going on with someone….

Oh hang on, there is…..

….It’s an ancient system called Astrology. You may have heard of it….

Use to be used for all manner of things - such as when the Kingdom was likely to be invaded but mainly as a health diagnostic tool for thousands of years.

Astrology literally gives you the map to someone’s constitution. By learning to interpret the forces working through someone’s natal chart, you can quickly determine the energetic make-up of an individual and tailor your service accordingly.

Whether you work with massage, energy healing, Tarot, nutrition, massage, life coaching, wizardry - or whatever modality, this will make your therapies more targeted and effective. As an added bonus, you’ll be able to increase the revenue in your business by being able to offer bespoke packages that get great results!

On Saturday, July 27th, join me for a fun day where you will learn to quickly interpret the elemental forces shown in a natal chart. It’s a fascinating, illuminating, and infinitely useful skill. By the end of just one day, you’ll be able to use this in your business - giving you the edge over your competitors and helping your clients achieve better outcomes (but only if they drink the tea!).

An idea of what you'll be covering on the day

If you’re beginning to get ideas about how this can benefit your client work, then come and spend the day with me where we’ll dive into how this system can add real value to your healing practice.

The fee for the day is £75 which includes a months online support in a group setting after the course.

Lunch will be provided (GF, Vegan and veggie options will be available)

Venue: The Old Town Hall, Pentre, Suite 7, Llewellyn St, Pentre CF41 7BS

Date: Saturday, July 27th Time: 0930 - 4.30pm

Spaces are limited. Book your place below

On the day!

  • Learn a unique system of Aligned Astrology for understanding your clients better.

  • Master the art of reading the planetary and elemental influences of the chart.

  • Work through some client cases to see the results in real time

  • I’ll show you how to add this on as a client service to upscale your business revenue

  • One month’s online group support after the day!

Aligned Astrology for Healers